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The Factories Act, 1948

The main objectives of the Indian Factories Act, 1948 are to regulate the working conditions in factories, to regulate health, safety welfare, and annual leave and enact special provision in respect of young persons, women and children who work in the factories.

  • Obtaining Registration of factories under the Act.
  • Assistance in complying the duties of occupier / manufacturer as prescribed under the Act.
  • Assistance in complying various provisions of the Act related to safety, health & welfare of the workers.
  • Preparation & Maintenance of various Registers & Records as provide under the like Register of Adult Workers, Register of Child Workers Register of Compensatory Holiday, Humidity Register, Register of Wages, Register of Leave with wages, etc.
  • Preparation & Submissions of various forms, returns& reports from time to time as prescribed under the Act.
  • Reply to show cause notices.
  • Informing the client about new amendments and notification under the Act.